Things to do when bored at home
Intentional Living


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As I am writing this blog post, it’s been more than a month that I’ve been stuck at home due to the current pandemic. Like most people, I have never had that much time available, and we can easily get bored at home if we have no idea what to do. That’s why I came up with a list of 50 things to do when you are bored at home.

You can use this list of ideas every time you feel uninspired and don’t know what to do in your home.

I wanted to find activities you can do whatever your mood is so that you always know what to do. Whether you want to be more productive or you want to have some chill moments.

But, especially during these hard times, know that you don’t have to be doing productive things all the time, if at all.

If all you can do is relax, because you are feeling stressed out and anxious, it’s okay. Please don’t feel guilty about it.

Here is my list of 50 things you can do when you are bored at home!

I hope it will give you some practical ideas on how to make good use of your time, being productive or relaxing.

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You can do many productive things when bored at home, like working on your iPad.

50 things to do when you are bored at home

Productive activities to do when stuck at home

  1. Write about your dreams and think about actionable steps you can take. What can you do today, this week, and this month to get closer to your dreams?
  1. Deep clean your home. There are so many things we may forget to clean and need some attention from time to time. The shower, the microwave, the oven, bathroom sinks, mirrors, windows…
  1. Make some DIY. You can easily make numerous DIY in your home thanks to tutorials you can find online. Upcycle old clothes, create a new piece of furniture with some wood, make your own skincare products, or homemade cleaning solutions. If this is something you’d like to try, here is my DIY laundry detergent that is all-natural, cheap, and zero waste.
  1. Fix things that you have been waiting to fix for weeks, months, or years. Maybe you have a t-shirt with a small hole you’ve been meaning to sew up for a long time? Or maybe you’ve been wanting to repair a broken toy? Do it now.
  1. Declutter an area of your life. Decluttering your home will make it easier to clean and organize. Go through your wardrobe, your kitchen appliances, or your bathroom products. And get rid of anything unused, broken, expired, or that you don’t love. This list of 70 things to get rid of in your home should inspire you!
  1. Start a blog or a Youtube channel. It is a great idea to start sharing your passions and your ideas with like-minded people. You might even turn it into a side hustle if you work on it consistently, and you’ll learn numerous things along the way.
  1. Challenge yourself by starting a new habit. Set yourself some new challenges to help you grow and learn new things. It is also a great time to ditch bad unhealthy habits. For instance, stop smoking. Go to bed early. Get up early. Start a habit to do yoga every day for 30 days, or a 7-day vegan challenge. You can also check these 8 morning habits for healthy living.
  1. Write a business plan for a business you’d love to create. Have you been thinking about creating a business? Write down what your goals would be. Then, think about who your target audience is, and what marketing strategy you can develop. This will help you get clear and precise on your project, to hopefully start it soon.
  1. Take up a new online course. There are so many online courses out there, basically about any topic that might interest you. Google a topic you’ve been interested in and start learning new things. For instance, learn about gardening. Or learn basic programming skills or lessons about digital marketing. Expand your mind.
  1. Get rid of unnecessary pictures on your phone. Go through your photos and delete duplicates and blurry pictures. They take up storage space on your phone, so getting rid of them will help speed it up.
  1. Meal prep for the week. Having some extra time is a great opportunity to plan and make the meals you want to eat throughout the week. It will help you be more organized and you’ll probably end up eating healthier food.
  1. Go through your pantry and fridge. Have a look through your cupboards and fridge, and get rid of any expired food you may have. Don’t forget to check your spices and condiments, because I find we keep these things the longest.
  1. Start an exercise routine. Have you been meaning to start weightlifting or doing yoga? Or have you considered trying 10-minute workout sessions at home? Now that you’re bored at home, it is the right time to do it. So, don’t overthink it and get to it.
  1. Make a list of things you want to achieve this year. Take your favorite journal, your phone, or a piece of paper. And then, list all the things you want to achieve by the end of the year. This way, you’ll be more likely to start taking consistent action to work on your goals.
  1. Plan a future trip. Are you planning to visit a specific city or to travel to a given country in the future? Look for activities you can do there. Also, check restaurants to eat at, and museums to visit. When the time comes and you actually travel there, you’ll thank yourself for deciding on your itinerary in advance.
  1. Start a side hustle from home. The Internet gives us so many opportunities nowadays! We can start almost any side hustle from the comfort of our homes. So, look for freelance gigs on sites like Upwork or Fiverr, or start selling your own handcrafted things on Etsy and eBay. These are great ways to earn extra money on the side.
  1. Organize your paper documents and recycle useless ones. Go through your paper files, chances are you have many papers in your home. These documents accumulate really easily so it’s great to recycle any paper that doesn’t have any use and make some space in your cupboards.
  1. Create a budget for yourself and your family. Set up a budget for your food, gas, leisure activities, and household expenses. This will help you save money and make better purchasing decisions.
  1. Analyze your bank statements. Make sure you know where your money is going each month and whether or not it is aligned with your financial goals. It is also the perfect opportunity to see if you are paying for any unknown fees and to cancel useless subscriptions you may have.
  1. Do the things that have been on your to-do list for too long. Have you been putting off answering an email for days? Were you meaning to call someone back? When was the last time you had a blood test scheduled? Now is the time to finally beat procrastination. You’ll feel accomplished after checking things off your list.
  1. Learn a new language. If you have been wanting to learn a new language, there are many apps and websites on which you can easily start. They make the process relatively easy and it can be very fun to start. Just try by yourself and discover a new language. You’ll feel really proud when you are traveling and practicing the language.
  1. Do your laundry and don’t let it pile up. I’m sometimes guilty of letting the laundry pile up and then having too much to do at once. Try to do it regularly so it doesn’t become out of hand.
  1. Update your resume and cover letter. If you are planning to look for a job soon, make sure your resume is up-to-date. Chances are you’ve gained experience since the last time you updated it. Also, try to improve your cover letter. This is a super productive thing to do when bored at home!
  1. Make a vision board. Making a vision board is a great idea to keep you inspired and remind you what your goals for the year are. It will inspire you to progress towards your goals and take action on them.
  1. Empty your inbox. Try to empty your inbox every once in a while. I like to do it on a weekly basis and it helps me stay organized. It will also make you feel very accomplished once you’ve done it, and it’s a great way to practice digital minimalism!
Journaling is one thing you can do when bored at home.

Chill and relaxing activities to do when bored at home

  1. Watch a movie you’ve been wanting to watch for months. Go on Netflix and choose a classic or a movie you’ve been interested in watching for a long time. Organize a movie night, wrap yourself in a super cozy blanket, and relax on your sofa.
  1. Start a new book you’ve never got around to reading. Do you own any books that you have not read yet? Why not start today, it might be a greater book! Get lost in a character, or read about an interesting topic, like self-development, and grow your knowledge.
  1. Start listening to a podcast or an audiobook. Listening to an audiobook or a podcast is a great way to learn new things when you don’t feel like reading. You can also seize the opportunity to do it when you are doing your chores or commuting to work.
  1. Cook a healthy and yummy meal. The more you feel bored, the more you are likely to eat unhealthy food. Don’t let it happen and take care of your health by eating nutritious food that you enjoy.
  1. Make a cake you’ve never done before. Look for a nice cake recipe online and try to do it yourself. Enjoy the smell of the freshly made dessert and eat it mindfully. You can also bake cookies, pancakes, or other treats.
  1. Write 10 things you are grateful for. Practicing gratitude on a regular basis is linked to increased levels of happiness and well-being. What better moment to start this habit than when you are bored?
  1. Have a spa night. Organizing a spa night for yourself is a great way to prioritize self-care and spend some mindful time. Do a face mask, paint your nails, and pamper yourself. It feels good to take care of your body, it deserves your love.
  1. Start knitting, embroidery, or crochet. I find those are relaxing activities that help you slow down and reduce stress at the same time. You may even end up with beautiful creations.
  1. Paint or draw. Painting and drawing are hobbies that help boost your creativity. Draw or paint some beautiful landscapes, or make a portrait of someone you love. Get inspired by art and express yourself through it.
  1. Call someone you love. Keeping in touch with people that you enjoy speaking to is a great way to relax. It should also strengthen your bonds at the same time. We are social animals, and we all need some connections with people that are close to us.
  1. Discover new music. When you are bored, why not take the chance to discover new songs and kinds of music? Look for new artists and new genres. You will get a new perspective on music and might find your new favorite songs.
  1. Watch a documentary on a topic you’re passionate about. There are hundreds of documentaries available on the Internet or on Netflix for you to watch. What is a topic that you enjoy? I’m sure you can find a documentary related to it!
  1. Have a relaxing bath. A great way to slow down and release anxiety is to take a warm bubble bath. Take your time and enjoy every minute of it. You can even read a book at the same time.
  1. Play a video game or a board game. I love playing video games and board games with my friends and family. Games are the perfect opportunity to gather people and do something fun together. Some games even allow you to play alone, which is great if you can’t find any playing buddy.
  1. Read inspiring quotes online. I highly recommend this one, because it helps you feel inspired and motivated, instead of being bored at home. This activity also makes you think on a deeper level. I enjoy writing down my favorite quotes in a blog post like this one and rereading them from time to time.
  1. Take a nap. Sleep is super important for our health, yet so many people are under-slept in our societies. If you are feeling tired and down, take a power nap during the day. It is an easy way to get your energy back and feel fresh again.
  1. Make a warm drink. I personally love making different kinds of herbal tea when I have some extra time, especially in the winter. It helps me relax and calm down. It’s an act of self-care that I enjoy mindfully.
  1. Send a kind message to your parents, your spouse, or your best friend. Write a note and send it to your loved ones. Tell them that you love them and that you are happy to have them in your life. It will brighten their mood as well as yours.
  1. Start a coloring book. We all used to do it when we were children and forgot about this activity, which is a shame. Coloring is a very mindful and meditative activity we can do when we’re feeling bored.
  1. Do some meditation and breathing exercises. What better way to relax than meditation? It doesn’t have to last long, you can simply focus on your breath for a few minutes and you will instantly feel better. It’s a great use of your time when you are bored at home.
  1. Take a virtual tour of a museum. Especially during this time of quarantine, many museums throughout the world created virtual tours of their collections. You can virtually walk through them and discover interesting things along the way.
  1. Stretch. Stretching can help your muscles feel better and relax, especially when they are sore. It will also increase your flexibility over time and improve your blood flow and circulation.
  1. Write about your thoughts and emotions in a journal. When feeling bored, try to journal and put your ideas and how you’re feeling onto paper. It is a great way to be aware of your thoughts and you’ll feel lighter after doing it.
  1. Make a scrapbook. Choose some pictures from a previous trip you went on or photos of your loved ones. Display them in a creative way in a scrapbook and you’ll have an amazing album to look into to remind you of good memories.
  1. Learn to play an instrument. Is there any instrument you particularly enjoy listening to? Why not try to learn how to play it? It can be very fulfilling once you know how to play your favorite song with your favorite instrument.

I hope you enjoyed this list of 50 things to do when bored at home!

Whether you want to be more productive or you want to chill, I hope you found an activity you would like to do.

During tough times, it is important to find activities we enjoy doing instead of staying in a place of boredom.

Let me know which activity resonates with you? What do you like to do when bored at home?

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