The only 9 minimalist cleaning supplies you need for a sparkling-clean home.


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Simplify your cleaning routine with these minimalist cleaning supplies! 

Nowadays, stores have hundreds if not thousands of different types of cleaning supplies available for us to buy.

We are taught to believe that we need a specific product to clean each room and surface in our homes. 

As a result, our cleaning supply cabinets are overflowing with countless products.

Most of us have a specific glass cleaner, bathroom cleaner, window cleaner, oven cleaner, and so on…

Not to mention all the cleaning tools we think we need to keep our homes clean.

The list of cleaning “must-haves” never ends. 

But did you know you can simplify cleaning products and tools by only having what is essential?

In this blog post, I share with you the only nine minimalist cleaning supplies you need for a sparkling-clean home! 

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What are minimalist cleaning supplies? 

Minimalist cleaning supplies are multipurpose items and products that help you clean your entire house.

They have different purposes and can be used in a variety of ways.

These minimalist cleaning supplies are also minimalist in the sense that the products I recommend in this article are non-toxic and sustainably made

They are free of harmful chemicals, meaning that they are healthy to use, and they are some of the most eco-friendly cleaning products on the market. 

So their impact on your health and the planet is minimal. 

Read more: How to make your home healthy? 7 easy ways to detox your home

Why you only need these minimalist cleaning supplies

Because these minimalist cleaning supplies can do so many things around your home, it means that you don’t have to own dozens of different items.

You just need a few simple products and tools. 

As a result, you spend a lot less money on cleaning products, and you have less clutter in your bathroom or wherever you store your supplies.

So you have a lot more space in your home!  

Some of the products I mention are also very cheap to buy compared to conventional cleaning products. 

By choosing to only have the essentials, you also simplify your cleaning routine.

You know exactly what you need to clean your home and don’t end up wasting time looking for specific products in an overflowing cabinet. 

Read more:

In this article, I share with you the only minimalist cleaning supplies you need in your home.

The only 9 minimalist cleaning supplies you need for your home 

1. Distilled white vinegar

If you’re wondering: What is the only cleaning product you need?

I’d say without hesitation white vinegar.

If you only want one single product to clean your entire house, go for distilled white vinegar

Incredibly multipurpose, you can use it to clean almost any surface in your home and remove grime, dirt, and stains.

From your shower to your kitchen counters to your floors, it will help clean and disinfect almost everything in your home.

You can also use white vinegar to descale your tea kettle and coffee maker, clean mirrors and windows, give a shine to your stainless steel appliances, brighten your whites, and many more. 

I recommend that you dilute it in a spray bottle, using one part vinegar and two parts water.

If you don’t like the smell, you can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil if you prefer. 

White vinegar is also the cheapest option you can choose.

Plus, it’s a great 100% non-toxic alternative to conventional cleaning products. 

However, skip white vinegar if you have stone countertops like marble or granite ones because it could damage the surface. 

Read more: 10 non-toxic homemade cleaning products that actually work

2. Multipurpose cleaner

If you’re not a fan of white vinegar, don’t worry because there are many multipurpose cleaners out there that are both healthy to use and sustainable

My favorite is Dr. Bronner’s pure castile soap!

It is made with organic oils and Fair Trade certified ingredients and doesn’t contain synthetic preservatives, foaming agents, or detergents. 

This liquid soap can be used as an all-purpose cleaner, but also to wash dishes, mop, and even wash your pets.

Plus, it comes packaged in a recycled plastic bottle, and you can dilute it to make it last longer.  

Besides Dr. Bronner, here are four other brands I highly recommend that sell non-toxic multipurpose cleaners: 

Read more: 10 non-toxic brands selling natural, eco-friendly cleaning products

A multipurpose cleaner is one of the best minimalist cleaning supplies.

3. Dish soap 

No, your dishes aren’t the only thing you can clean with dish soap.

It actually has tons of other uses in the cleaning sphere!

I like diluting it with water and using the solution to mop my floors, wipe down the kitchen counters, and clean anything that needs degreasing. 

I also sometimes use it to clean windows, eliminate soap scum in the shower, and pre-treat stains on textiles before throwing them in the wash.  

If you’re looking for natural dish soap that is completely free of harmful chemicals, this one should be your go-to option.

This vegan-friendly, biodegradable dish soap is formulated with coconut extracts, sea salt, and citrus.

It’s ruthless on grime but super gentle on your skin! 

4. Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the best minimalist cleaning supplies you need to have in your home! 

It’s the product I use the most to clean my stovetop and oven, and sometimes also use it to remove grime in the shower and the sink. 

I always mix about 1 cup of baking soda with a couple of tablespoons of water to create a paste.

When I have the right consistency, I apply it where I want to remove the grime or grease and let it sit for at least half an hour.

I then scrub the area thoroughly until it’s clean. 

I also like deodorizing my trash can with it and adding it to my laundry load to brighten my whites. 

Did you know you can also use baking soda to clean carpets and tile grout?

So many uses! 

5. Toilet bowl cleaner 

Ever since I’ve moved somewhere with very harsh water, I’ve been needing something specific to clean the toilet otherwise I get a lot of limescale in the toilet bowl. 

However, I didn’t want to use bleach or those toxic conventional toilet bowl cleaners with tons of hazardous chemicals in them.

I did some research and found a couple of natural alternatives that are very effective for descaling and cleaning the toilet. 

One of them is Blueland’s toilet bowl cleaner tablets, which you just need to drop in your toilets, brush, and flush.

The tabs are formulated with plant-based, eco-friendly ingredients and are certified by Cradle to Cradle and Leaping Bunny. 

To remove limescale and clean your toilet, you might need an effective toilet bowl cleaner.

6. Vacuum cleaner

The vacuum cleaner is the cleaning tool I probably use the most in my home.

It is particularly helpful for those of us with large families or pets, and those who have allergies.

But of course, all of us should use it at least once a week to eliminate dust and dirt. 

I love cordless, stick vacuums as they make cleaning super easy and quick.

This one has three cleaning modes and even converts to a handheld vacuum for cleaning your car, couch, or stairs.

So you can use it to vacuum 100% of your house! 

7. Mop with reusable pad

Besides vacuuming, we should also mop our floors regularly to make sure no dirt stays on the surfaces.

There are tons of mops on the market but this minimalist mop by Grove Collaborative is the most practical I’ve found (and the most eco-friendly). 

It has a collapsible handle and a removable head, meaning that you can store it in a drawer if you want to.

It features a velcro-attached microfiber pad designed to polish everything thoroughly, which you can put in your washing machine afterward.  

You can even turn this mop into a broom if you swap the mop head for the brand’s broom head, so you have a two-in-one cleaning tool. 

I also love that it’s made from recycled plastic and recycled aluminum, so it’s sustainable as well! 

Read more: The best eco-friendly alternatives to Swiffer for zero-waste cleaning

8. Brush & dustpan

While a broom might be unnecessary if you have a vacuum and a mop, a brush with a dustpan is really handy to have.

It’s great whenever we make small messes that we want to quickly clean up. 

If you need new ones, check out this set from Grove Collaborative.

Very practical, it’s designed with a soft edge that helps capture more dust and dirt on the first try.

It’s made from bamboo and recycled plastic and features a built-in scraper and comb for easy cleaning.  

Some of the best minimalist cleaning supplies are a brush with a dustpan.

9. Sponges, cleaning cloths, & Swedish dishcloths 

Some of the last minimalist cleaning supplies you need for your home are tools to scrub and wipe things.

For scrubbing and tackling the toughest cleaning jobs, sponges are a must-have! 

Nevertheless, try to avoid those yellow plastic ones with a green scrubber.

Instead, get some of these walnut scrubber sponges

Made of natural vegetable cellulose, they are biodegradable and as effective as the regular ones.

However, they do not contain harmful toxins like triclosan, which is commonly used in sponges and causes different health and environmental issues. 

For dusting, you can turn worn-out clothes into cleaning rags.

If you prefer using microfiber cloths, I recommend these, which are very absorbent and effective on both wet and dry surfaces.

They’re great for cleaning spills, dust, grime, and oil without leaving streaks or lint, and for polishing glass, mirrors, and stainless steel.  

A final thing I love cleaning with is Swedish dishcloths.

Made of cellulose and cotton, these are very convenient for handling spills and messes as they are highly absorbent.

They’re also super durable and you can wash them over and over in the dishwasher.  

Read more:

Final thoughts on minimalist cleaning supplies

I hope this list of minimalist cleaning supplies was helpful and that it allowed you to potentially rethink what you truly need to have a sparkling-clean home. 

By simplifying your cleaning products and tools, taking care of your home should become easier and more enjoyable. 

Of course, if you don’t think some of these products are necessary, by no means should you feel compelled to get them.

Take what you want from this list and leave the rest. 

If you liked this article, you might want to read the following ones as well:

What are your favorite minimalist cleaning supplies? 

Please leave them in the comments! 

Don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends so they can simplify their cleaning routine too. 

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